The cabin is situated besides the hitching and saddling area, and views from the living room and bedroom overlook an old apple orchard and the Liucura River. Get the inside view of the two bedroom cabin
Ground plan of the cabin
Looking outside
Drive from Villarrica to Pucón, at the entrance of Pucon there is a roundabout . You drive straight towards “Caburgua”, on the next roundabout you keep straight, still “Caburgua”. About 1 km later turn left off the paved road where it says “Aeropuerto” (airport), and follow the signs to "Quelhue." After 1km you reach a new bridge that’s crossing Trancura River, about 200 meters after the bridge on the T-junction you turn right to "EL Christo" and then you follow this scenic road for 4 km until you see the Antilco painting on a trunk on the right hand.